The purpose of the educational program

The program aims to train bachelors in chemistry.


Training of bachelors in Chemistry is the first stage of a two-level higher education. To obtain a complete higher education, you must complete a master's degree.

Why is it worth choosing this specialty?

A.Butlerov Institute of Chemistry includes 7 chairs and 8 research departments: chairs/departments of inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, medical chemistry, chemistry of high molecular and organoelement compounds, chair of chemical education, departments of stereochemistry, industrial chemistry and environmental chemistry.

About 35 Full Professors and 70 PhD work in A.Butlerov Institute of Chemistry. Among professors there are; one Academician and two Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and one Corresponding Member of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences.

Brief description of the educational process

In the course of studying on this program, students study professional disciplines (such as Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, High Molecular Compounds, Chemical Technology, Chemical Basics of Biological Processes, Physical Research Methods, Structure of Matter, Methods of Teaching Chemistry and others), as well as natural sciences, humanities, social and economic disciplines. Theoretical knowledge is consolidated in the course of passing various types of practices: educational practice, during which they get acquainted with the topics of scientific research in the field of chemistry in scientific laboratories of the Chemical Institute and other organizations, industrial (technological, research and pre-diploma) practice, in during which students get acquainted with real chemical-technological processes, acquire experimental skills on the topic of the upcoming course and final qualifying (diploma) work. During the first three years, students study the fundamental disciplines that underlie modern chemical knowledge. From the fourth year, students are distributed to the departments of the Chemical Institute, in accordance with the chosen profile of the direction of study, they carry out term and final qualification (diploma) work.

Skills that students will acquire after completing an educational program

In the course of training, students gain knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the fundamental sections of chemistry and acquire the skills of a chemical experiment, master the basic methods of synthesis, analysis and research of chemicals and reactions.

Professional Areas Where Graduates Have Advantages

Bachelor of chemistry graduates work as laboratory assistants and chemical engineers in enterprises and institutions in Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation.

In most cases, chemists work in laboratories. This can be a research institute, a metallurgical plant, a pharmaceutical plant, a chemical or food industry, an ore mining and processing plant, etc.

Graduates-bachelors can continue their studies in the magistracy of the Chemical Institute of KFU, or other universities in the country, near and far abroad.

Profiles / specializations within the specialty (additionally, depending on the program)