Исследования в области экономического анализа, индексируемые в Scopus и WoS


Kulikova L.I., Sungatullina L.B., Sabirova A.I. Analysis of the employee commitment and supply chain integration effects on industrial enterprise / L.I. Kulikova, L.B. Sungatullina, A.I. Sabirova // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2020. - Volume 9, Issue 4. - P. 1126-1134 

Kirpikov, A., Gazizova, A., Khusnutdinova, R. Deterministic factor analysis of supply chain management characteristic for oil companies // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. – 2020. – Vol. 9, Is. 4. – P. 585-589

Kirpikov A.N., Abdukayeva A.A. Development of a multifactor model forecasting the investment attraction of the region // IIOAB JOURNAL. –2020. – Volume 11. – P. 1-7.

Nesterov, V.N., Yankovskaya, D.G., Kozlova, N.N. Development of Cost Analysis Process based on the Supply Chain Strategy / Nesterov V.N., Yankovskaya D.G., Kozlova N.N. // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2020. - Vol. 9, No. 4.  – P. 752-757

Nesterov, V.N., Yankovskaya, D.G., Kozlova, N.N. Normative Method of Strategic Cost Management in the Supply Chain at the Stage of Product Development / Nesterov V.N., Yankovskaya D.G., Kozlova N.N. // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2020. - Vol. 9, No. 4. – P. 1150-1154

Derevyankina, E. S., Yankovskaya, D. G. The Impact of Covid-19 on Supply Chain Management and Global Economy Development / Derevyankina, E. S.; Yankovskaya, D. G. // International Journal of Supply Chain Man-agement. 2020. - Vol. 9, No. 4. – P. 765-774

Naumova N.N., Kharisova F.I. The order of organization of supply chain management of medical industry activity in the Republic of Tatarstan / N.A. Naumova, F.I. Kharisova // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2020. - Volume 9, Issue 4. - P. 746-751

Miguel D, Lyzhova A., Impact of supply chain management on the market value of the company using the discounted cash flow method // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2020. - Vol.9, Is.4. - P.576-584 


Shakirova S, Kadochnikova E, Lyzhova A., Econometric estimation of food services supply factors // International Journal on Emerging Technologies. - 2019. - Vol.10, Is.2. - P.1-4

Lyzhova A.V, Kadochnikova E.I, Karimova G.Z., Forecasting financial performance of agricultural enterprises based on supply chain operation in seasonal decomposition // International Journal of Supply Chain Management. - 2019. - Vol.8, Is.5. - P.241-248


Kulikova L.I, Goshunova A.V, Nutfullina D.I., Economic Analysis of Solar Energy Using in Oil Sector Economy in Republic of Tatarstan // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. - 2017. - Vol.262, Is.1. - Art. № 012066