I.I. Chaikovskiy

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, 614007 Russia

E-mail: ilya@mi-perm.ru

Received April 2, 2020

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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.2.290-301

For citation: Chaikovskiy I.I. Evolution of the Chemical Composition of Primary Salts of the Verkhnekamskoe deposit. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 290–301. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.2.290-301. (In Russian)


It was established that potassium and magnesium salts of the Verkhnekamskoe deposit (Perm region, Russia) are deposited in a linear and spasmodic manner. Sylvine setting begins only when the brine is saturated enough for deposition of rocks with KCl content of 15–25 wt. %. For carnallite, this process demands MgCl2 content of 15–30 wt. %. An insoluble residue composed of a substantially clay material entered the basin both with flood waters, during the accumulation of sylvinite and carnallite strata, and in the form of two turbid water flows that caused temporary crises of salt accumulation. The removal of pelitic material from the land determined its calcareousness and metamorphization of brines, which resulted in the absence of sulfate salts. Along with the leaching of underlying sediments by the desalinated waters (bromine sorption by clay and uncompensated bromine fractionation during the formation of high-grade ores), two effects, which led to lower values of the bromine-chlorine ratio in sylvinites and carnallites, were revealed.

Keywords: Verkhnekamskoe salt deposit, lithochemistry, bromine-chlorine ratio, calcium-sulfate ratio

Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-05-00046).

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Changes in the composition of main components (wt. %) and geochemical indicators in halites (blue circles), sylvinites (red circles), and carnallites (yellow circles) along the section of the Verkhnekamskoe deposit. Gray color shows substantially clay (MG layer) and clay-halite rocks (KrII crust). The lithological column is shown on the left (blue and light blue – halites of various strata (PdKS, SZ, KZ, PKS), red – sylvinite layers, orange – carnallite layers); the marks to the right of it show the average position of the sampling interval; the section of the studied interval of the salt stratum averaged over seven wells is shown on the right, m.

Fig. 2. Composition of sylvinite (KrIII, KrII, KrI, A', A), carnallite (B–K), clay (MG), clay-halite (KrII crust) and halite rocks, as well as underlying layers of rock salt (PdKS), sylvinite (ks SZ) and carnallite zones (ks KZ) of the Verkhnekamskoe deposit in the diagrams [4]. Bottom line – bromine-chlorine ratio at the beginning of setting of sylvine and carnallite salts, upper line – bromine-chlorine ratio at the end of this process. Dashed vertical lines – the boundaries between halites, poor and rich sylvinites (carnallites), horizontal lines – the trends of certain layers.

Fig. 3. Ratio of the insoluble residue and bromine in halites, sylvinites, and carnallites of blanket rock salt (PKS), carnallitite zone (KZ), sylvinite zone (SZ), and underlying rock salt (PdKS).


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