A.V. Ulyakhin a,b*, I.V. Novikov b,c**

aLomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia

bBorissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 117647 Russia

cKazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *ulyakhin@paleo.ru, **inovik@paleo.ru

Received May 15, 2020

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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.2.218-227

For citation: Ulyakhin A.V., Novikov I.V. Taphonomy of the reference Middle Permian – Early Triassic tetrapod localities of the East European Platform. I. Perevolotsoye locality (Tupilakosaurus fauna). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2020, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 218–227. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2020.2.218-227. (In Russian)


The results of a taphonomic study of the Perevolotskoye locality (Orenburg region), a reference for the Early Triassic Tupilakosaurus fauna of southern areas of Eastern Europe, were presented. Based on the ratio of paired elements (hypo- and pleurocentra) in embolomerous vertebrae of the brachiopoid temnospondyl Tupilakosaurus (over 1500 specimens), the conclusion about the predominantly autochthonous genesis of the locality was made. Six successive stages in the history of its formation were identified.

Keywords: taphonomy, Lower Triassic, Tupilakosaurus fauna, tetrapods, East European Platform

Acknowledgements. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects nos. 20-05-00092 and 20-04-00545), as well as by the subsidy allocated to Kazan Federal University for the state assignment in the sphere of scientific activities (project no. 671-2020-0049) and as part of the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Geographical location of the Perevolotsoye locality.

Fig. 2. Data of the taphonomic study of the Perevolotsoye locality: a – schematic representation of the bone-bearing horizon; b – sampling sectors of bone remains from the conglomerate; c – amount of bone remains in each sector. Scale bar 30 cm. Designations: 1 – conglomerate; 2 – sandstone; 3 – clay; 4 – bones of tetrapods; 5 – bones of fish.

Fig. 3. Diagram showing the dependence of the size of vertebral elements (width, mm) in Tupilakosaurus sp. on their number with indication of size classes (I, II, III).

Fig. 4. Vertebral elements in Tupilakosaurus sp. from the Perevolotsoye locality: a – hypocentrum; b – pleurocentrum. Scale bar 2 mm.


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