Bekmetov, Rinat Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature, the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Gainanova, Milyausha Candidate of History, Senior Researcher in the Department of the History of Religions and Social Thought named after Ya. G. Abdullin, Sh. Mardzhani Institute of History. (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Galimzyanov, Anis Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Bilingual and Digital Education, the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Huseynova, Arzu Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher in the Department of Applied Linguistics, Nasimi Institute of Linguistics, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan).

Zaripova-Chetin, Chulpan Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Azerbaijani Language and Literature, the Division of Modern Turkic Languages and Literature, Caucasus University (Kars, Turkey).

Zub (Rudenko), Nataliya Candidate of History, Researcher in A. Krymsky Institute of Oriental Studies, the NAS of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine).

Kuzmina, Halisa Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Tatar Linguistics, the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Malinina, Tatyana Doctor of Art Criticism, Chief Researcher in the Department of Monumental Art and Artistic Problems of Architecture, the Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, the Russian Academy of Arts, Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Art, the Moscow State Art Institute named after V. Surikov.

Mishkinene, Galina Doctor of Humanities, Leading Researcher at the Written Heritage Research Center, the Lithuanian Language Institute (Vilnius, Lithuania).

Rosenberg, Natalia Candidate of Art History, Doctor of Cultural Studies (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation).

Sattarova, Lilia – Deputy Director General, Keeper-in-Chief, the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan. (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Seydaliev, Nariman Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher in the Department of Applied Linguistics, Nasimi Institute of Linguistics, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Baku, Azerbaijan).

Sintsova, SvetlanaDoctor of Philology, Professor (Kazan, Russian Federation).

Khabutdinova, Mileusha Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor in the Department of Tatar Literature, the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Kazan Federal University (Kazan, Russia).