A.A. Chibilyov Jr.*, D.V. Grigorevsky**, D.S. Meleshkin***

Institute of Steppe, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Orenburg, 460000 Russia

E-mail: *a.a.ml@mail.ru, **grag92@mail.ru, ***aventureiro@mail.ru

Received February 22, 2019

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DOI: 10.26907/2542-064X.2019.4.590-606

For citation: Chibilyov A.A. Jr., Grigorevsky D.V., Meleshkin D.S. Spatial assessment of the anthropogenic load level in the steppe regions of Russia. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2019, vol. 161, no. 4, pp. 590–606. doi: 10.26907/2542-064X.2019.4.590-606. (In Russian)


The environment of Russia, with steppe regions in particular, is under high anthropogenic load. Due to the economic advance, natural steppe ecosystems in Russia have been subject to the anthropogenic stress for a long time. In this paper, a method was introduced for assessing the level of anthropogenic stress on the steppe environment by means of a conjugate analysis of the indicator groups and indices of six anthropogenic load factors (blocks) in 17 steppe regions of Russia. The studied indicators differ in size and are distinguished by incompatibility. For the elimination of these deficiencies, we used the indicator normalization method. Multidimensional average indices for each of the blocks (residential load, air pollution, water basin pollution, agricultural load, transportation load, as well as production and consumption waste) were calculated. The sum of these indices is an integral index reflecting the level of anthropogenic stress in the regions under consideration. A schematic map of the spatial distribution of the groups of factors and the intensity of anthropogenic pressure on the natural environment was generated. The obtained results show that the value of the integral index in the study area increases in the south–east direction and that the steppe regions of the European part of Russia suffer the greatest anthropogenic pressure. The highest values of the integral index of anthropogenic stress were observed in the Krasnodar krai (4.6) and in the Belgorod region (4.2). A strong connection between the gross regional product (GRP) and the general level of anthropogenic stress in the steppe regions of Russia, which is characterized by the correlation coefficient of 0.95, was found. A high correlation level was revealed between the indicators of GRP per unit of area and the residential load index (0.85), air pollution index (0.93), transportation load index (0.95), and production and consumption waste index (0.90).

Keywords: steppe regions of Russia, anthropogenic load, integral index, correlation coefficient, residential load, air pollution, water basin pollution, agricultural load, transportation load, generation of production and consumption waste

Acknowledgments. The study was performed within the R&D theme “Steppes of Russia: Landscape and ecological grounds for sustainable development, substantiation of nature-like technologies under natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment” (no.  GR AAAA-A17-117012610022-5).

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Integral index of anthropogenic load and anthropogenic pollution level in the steppe regions of Russia.

Fig. 2. Gross regional product (GRP) per unit of area and integral index of anthropogenic load in the steppe regions of Russia.


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