Dear colleagues,

We organize a  "Complex Analysis and Related Topics" .

The conference will be held in Kazan from June 30 to July 4, 2022. It is organized by Kazan Federal University with the support of the Regional Scientific and Educational Mathematical Center of Kazan Federal University.

Kazan is a large Russian city located on the bank of the Volga river, about 800 km east from Moscow. It is one of the biggest industrial, cultural, and educational centers of the Russian Federation, with rich history and traditions. Kazan University was based in 1804; now it is one of famous scientific and educational centers of Russia. Kazan University is proud of its outstanding mathematicians such as geometers Nikolai Lobachevsky, Pyotr Shirokov, Alexander Norden, algebraist Nikolai Chebotarev, specialists in function theory Boris Gagaev, Fyodor Gakhov, Lyubov' Chibrikova, and others.

Web-cite of the conference:

The main topics of the conference are: geometric function theory, approximation theory of functions of a complex variable, boundary value problems for analytic functions and their generalizations, entire and meromorphic functions, holomorphic  functions of several complex variables, quasiconformal  mappings, potential theory.