A.E. Lestev

AEL Expert, Kazan, 420087 Russia

E-mail: lestev@ael-expert.ru

Received May 12, 2018

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The reception of sociocultural practices of the esoteric schools of Buddhism by the schools of Japanese martial arts was analyzed. Based on the methods of cultural and interpretive anthropology, the rituals, training methods, specific techniques, and philosophical concepts of martial arts influenced by Shingon Buddhism were discussed. The reflection of Shinto-Buddhist syncretism in the traditions of martial arts schools, by the example of the Hachiman cult and the Marishiten cult, was discussed. It was concluded that Buddhist sects were the rich sources of sociocultural practices for martial arts schools. At the same time, the borrowed practices underwent essential changes, because they were meant to achieve mastery in the martial art, rather than a religious desire to achieve the state of a Buddha. From this point of view, special military rituals were also evaluated. The obtained results allow a better understanding the process and mechanism of the recipes of sociocultural practices between different social groups within one nation. It was suggested that religious rituals and amulets in martial arts had their practical purpose for the psychological mood before the battle.

Keywords: martial arts, Shingon, Buddhism, history of Japan, warrior’s culture, socio-cultural practices


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For citation: Lestev A.E. The influence of Shingon Buddhism on the formation of socio-cultural practices of Japanese martial arts. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 6, pp. 1466–1477. (In Russian)


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