F.N. Daulet

al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, 050040 Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: fatima-dauletova@mail.ru§Э

Received August 5, 2019

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DOI: 10.26907/2541-7738.2019.5-6.68-78

For citation: Daulet F.N. The totemic code of culture in the linguistic worldview (based on phraseological units of the Chinese and Kazakh languages). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2019, vol. 161, no. 5–6, pp. 68–78. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2019.5-6.68-78. (In Russian)


A comparative analysis of the linguocultural, linguocognitive, and semantic properties of phraseological units of the Chinese and Kazakh languages with totemic components was performed with regard to the interaction of two semiotic systems – the natural language and culture. The research was performed with the help of the linguocultural and linguocognitive methods to comprehensively describe the linguistic and cultural semantics of phraseological units with totemisms. To illustrate the internal form of the studied linguistic units, the etymological and des­criptive methods were used, as well as the methods of semantic identification and cognitive interpretation. The obtained results clearly demonstrate that the axiological aspect in the mental set of different nations is nothing more than a combination of systematized knowledge and concepts about the environment and the world, which are viewed through the prism of social and emotional experience. The research is highly relevant due to the original approach and the desire to investigate the problem of totemic code in the Chinese and Kazakh linguistic cultures through imaginative means.

Keywords: Chinese language, Kazakh language, comparative linguoculturology, totemism, spiritual cultural codes, phraseological units, linguistic worldview, verbal means, imaginative means, semantics


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