N.G. Nikolaeva*, A.V. Ermoshin**

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, 420012 Russia

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *natalia.nikolaeva@kazangmu.ru, **antoniy_v@mail.ru

Received August 15, 2019

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DOI: 10.26907/2541-7738.2019.5-6.36-46

For citation: Nikolaeva N.G., Ermoshin A.V. Supine functioning in the Kazan Gospel of the 14th century. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2019, vol. 161, no. 5–6, pp. 36–46. doi: 10.26907/2541-7738.2019.5-6.36-46. (In Russian)


The paper analyzes the supine functioning in the Kazan Gospel, an ancient lectionary of the 14th century. The study aims to establish general patterns in the supine use, the des­cription of its phonetic appearance, and the influence of the latter on the morphology, as well as in the gradual replacement of the supine with an infinitive. The focus of the study is the supine and its syntactical relations in the context. The research was performed with the help of simultaneous des­cription of the phenomenon of historical grammar of the Russian language in a certain period and diachronic observation of this phenomenon in a number of similar texts, as well as linguistic methods of gospel textual studies. We revealed the signs of supine as a vanishing form (variations in different Gospel manus­cripts, replacement with the infinitive, replacement with personal verb forms, errors in its use) and, thus, confirmed: firstly, the period when the text of the Kazan Gospel was written (no later than the end of the 14th century); secondly, the mixed nature of its text, namely apparent preservation of Old Slavonic protograph features followed by the evident text russification. The results obtained are important for the historical grammar of the Russian language and for the textology of the Old Slavic gospels.

Keywords: Kazan Gospel, Old Slavonic lectionaries, textology of gospel text, Old Russian language, historical grammar, impersonal verb forms, supine, infinitive

Acknowledgments. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 17-34-00019-OGN).


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