The Department of Regional and Eurasian Studies was established on September 1, 2018.

The mission of the department is to be a leader in the creation of advanced educational and innovative technologies, fundamental and applied research in the field of foreign regional science and regional science of Russia.

The Department produces and carries out educational, research and methodological activities in the field of Regional and Eurasian studies, educational work with students, as well as training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, professional retraining, advanced training of personnel in the field of Foreign regional studies and Regional studies of Russia.

Currently, the department employs 16 teachers, including 3 doctors and 10 candidates of science.

The activities of the Department are aimed at the implementation of the following tasks:

Educational, methodological, organizational and advisory support of educational disciplines;

Organization and carrying out of research work;

Coordination and management of educational and methodical work of the department;

Modernization of training technology and introduction of innovative forms of educational process organization;

Analysis, compilation and dissemination of best practices in teaching subjects;

Improvement of the quality of teaching basic and special disciplines of higher education;

Coordination and supervision of research work of the staff and organization of research work of students.

The department carries out the following programs:


41.03.01 Foreign regional studies (profiles: General profile; German-Russian researches; Eurasian researches; Afro-Asian researches; Regions and countries of Euro-Atlantic civilization)

41.03.02 Regional studies of Russia (profile: "Russia and its regions in the sphere of international relations (with in-depth study of foreign languages (English/Chinese))

There will be a recruitment for the master degree program in the direction of 41.04.01 Foreign regional studies - "Modern China: economy, politics, culture" (head of the program - Martynov D.E.) in 2020-2021 academic year

At the department, there is a student scientific circle "Globe" (the head - Bodrov O.V.), classes of which take place on Thursday, 2 times a month.