- KFU scientists participate in the world's first study devoted to the evaluation of immunomodulating activity of stem cells derived vesicles


- Young scientist of KFU - grant recipient of Scientific school of Finnish National Agency for Education

 - Evaluation of induced membrane vesicles fusion specificity with target cells  (https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-04/kfu-eoi042318.php)

- Drugs are being developed to target tumor cells In KFU (https://news.myseldon.com/ru/news/index/186853402)

- How to use intercellular post (https://www.nkj.ru/news/31990/)

- Get on the "nano-skis"! What scientists of Tatarstan invent (https://kazan.aif.ru/society/details/vstavay_na_nanolyzhi_chto_izobretayut_uchyonye_tatarstana)

- KFU scientists are among the winners of the republican contest "Fifty Best Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan"

- RT Investment and Venture Fund

Vacancy: we invite students to complete bachelor's and master's theses. The CV should be sent to Marina Olegovna Gomzikova marina.gomzikova.gmo@gmail.com