K.A. Maltsev a*, V.N. Golosov b,c**, A.M. Gafurov a***

aKazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

b Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia

c Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119017 Russia

E-mail: *mlcvkirill@mail.ru, **gollossov@gmail.com, ***gafurov.kfu@gmail.com

Received April 17, 2018

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The paper presents the results of assessing the accuracy of global digital elevation models (GDEMs), SRTM and ASTER GDEMs, based on a small catchment located on the eastern slope of the Central Russian Upland in the upper reaches of the Veduga River basin. The analysis of the errors in the morphometric parameters has been performed by comparing the part of the global DEM SRTM and ASTER GDEMs representing the relief of the selected catchment area with more accurate 1:10 000 (TOPO) maps data. The values of the slopes and the lengths of the slopes have been used as statistical indicators to estimate the accuracy of the models. The results of the comparison show that the SRTM model is more similar to the TOPO model than the ASTER GDEM. Therefore, the tested version of the SRTM model can be successfully used for calculations aimed to not only determine the average annual erosion rates for a river basin, but also to create maps of soil erosion intensity on slopes.

Keywords: erosion, digital elevation model, SRTM, ASTER, GIS, small valley

Acknowledgments. The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. Distribution of arable land areas of the studied catchment area along the length values of the slopes (m) using different GDEMs.

Fig. 2. Distribution of arable lands of the studied catchment area along the area of the material flow (Sse) using different GDEMs.

Fig. 3. Distributions of the area of arable lands of the studied catchment area based on the intensity of soil erosion (t/ha per year) calculated using the SRTM GDEM and TOPO.


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