For four decades, the department has created a unique system of high-quality training of specialists in the field of gravitational field theory and relativistic astrophysics, which meets the demands of the times.  From 1963, when the first graduation took place, in 2006 259 specialists were trained, of whom 26 graduates became doctors of science and 91 became candidates of science, 38 people prepared candidate dissertations at the department under the guidance of A.Z. Petrov, V. R  Kaygorodova, A. V. Aminova, A. V. Zakharova and A. B. Balakin.

 Graduates of the department successfully work in various fields of science, technology and the social sphere of Russia, the near and far abroad (Lithuania, Canada, the USA, France, Germany), they manage the departments and departments of universities of the Volga and Siberia.

 The master's program at the Department of Theory of Relativity and Gravity was opened in 1997 in the direction 510400 - Physics, 510417 - Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, module 2, under the guidance of the head of the department, Professor V. R. Kaygorodov.  In 2002, modules 1 (in the Department of Theoretical Physics) and 2 (in the Department of Theory of Relativity and Gravity) were merged under the guidance of Professor B. I. Kochelayev.  The master's program is based on the second stage of higher education and involves two-stage specialized training of students, focused on research and scientific-pedagogical activity in the field of physical field theory, including the theory of gravity.

 Postgraduate studies at the department have existed since its inception.  For graduate students, special courses are taught by employees of the Department of Relativity and Gravity and the Department of Theoretical Physics.

The Department conducts research in the field of the theory of gravitation, relativistic astrophysics and cosmology: invariant-group methods in general relativity theory; modified theories of gravitation; cosmological models and dark energy; physics of black holes and wormholes; supersymmetry and supergravitation; axion fields and their connection with the dark matter; quantum field theory in curved space-time; Casimir effect and its applications.

The department provides training for Master’s Degree (Gravitation, Cosmology and Relativistic Astrophysics)

The Department provides lectures and practicums in all mathematical disciplines of and gives special courses in “Cosmology”, “Experimental Validation of General Relativity Theory”, “Quantum Field Theory”.