A.V. Krylova*, T.A. Anikina**, A.A. Zverev***

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *krylova.alevtina@gmail.com, **TAAnikina@kpfu.ru, ***Alekcei5@rambler.ru

Received June 12, 2018

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The study of heart aging physiology at Kazan Pedagogical University was for many years headed by Professor Farit Gabdulkhakovich Sitdikov, Doctor of Biology, Meritorious Scientist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. The focus of his research interests was membranous and cellular mechanisms of heart regulation in ontogeny and adaptation of children and adolescents to studying and physical activities. T.L. Zefirov, the successor of F.G. Sitdikov, continued and promoted these investigations within the walls of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal University. The experiments are performed here with the use of unique physiological equipment that helps to spot the age-related features of heart functioning at the organ, tissue, and cellular levels, as well as to find out how various medications affect the heart. The most important results have been published in the leading Russian and foreign journals.

Keywords: school of thought, heart aging physiology

For citation: Krylova A.V., Anikina T.A., Zverev A.A. The development of the School of Thought in Physiology of Heart Aging in Kazan. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 4, pp. 551–557. (In Russian)

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