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The 15th Siberian Conference SIBCON-2021 offers opportunities to learn and to share information on the latest advances in control systems, communications, and robots. It will be held in Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation, on May 13–15, 2021. The conference is organized by the Tomsk IEEE units and National Instruments Rus R&D on a regular basis in order to promote interdisciplinary discussion and interaction among scientists and engineers with an emphasis on the IEEE membership. The conference is a platform for the presentation and discussion of new fundamental and applied outcomes in electron communication systems, control and robotics. The conference provides opportunity to present papers and establish scientific and educational contacts. While the scientific program is expected to create stimulating professional interaction, the magic of Kazan, warm spring atmosphere and wealth of historic architecture promise a pleasant and memorable stay.

We are carefully monitoring COVID-19 situation and all possible disturbances that it may cause will be considered seriously.


1. The Fundamental Problems of Communication and Control Theory.
2. Robots and Automation.
3. The Computer Control, Sensors and Systems.

The conference will include plenary sessions with invited speakers, parallel thematic sessions with oral presentations, and a social program. The conference topics are not limited to the above topics and a broad range of papers within computer science and engineering fields will be considered as well.


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of their original research contributions describing new results, original ideas, and applications on relevant topics. Papers should be sent in English to the conference email , in PDF or DOC file, length of 4–6 A4 (21x29.7 cm) pages (with margins at 2.5 cm, 10-point Times New Roman or similar fonts, and single spaced). The IEEE template should be used. The manus­cripts should contain the following information: paper title, author(s) data, abstract, keywords, state-of-the-art in the field of interest, problem statement and objective, des­cription of the contribution (novelty, research methodology), results achieved and their further development and applicability, at least 15 references to cited publications with no more than 20 % to author's works (self-citations).

The International Program Committee will make selection of papers. Papers will be reviewed for the technical merit and content. Only original, unpublished contributions will be considered.
All contributions are accepted with the understanding that at least one of authors will register and present the work at the conference.


The conference proceedings will be published in English, containing all conference manus­cripts, and will be distributed among the conference participants, leading libraries, and international scientific centers. The Proceedings are indexed in IEEE Xplore database. Extended versions of the selected papers will be recommended for publication in the journal “SPIIRAN Proceedings” (Q3 Web of Science).

Notifications of paper acceptance and the preliminary program will be sent to the first author in January 2021.

The conference proceedings will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.



The registration fee - $250 for IEEE members, $170 for students (without co-authors), and $360 for other participants should be paid only upon receipt of the official acceptance letter, which will be sent to the first author by email. Instructions how to pay the registration fee will be included into the acceptance letter. Registration fee includes one copy of the Proceedings, a get-together party, banquet, cultural and technical visits, and coffee breaks.


The working language is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. All materials concerning the conference should be written in English. All oral and poster presentations should be solely in English.

Keynote Proposals

SIBCON looking for dynamic speakers, who want to share new and exciting experiences associate with the Conference topics, new vision, and address the challenges facing today's technology users and application may cover their needs. Organizing Committee invites submissions for Keynote Sessions on all topics of potential interest to the conference attendees. Keynote Sessions proposals must clearly identify the intended audience, speaker's background on relevant subject. If you are interesting in presenting Keynote during SIBCON Conference, please send the Keynote proposal to the Conference Technical Program Chair. 


The Organizing Committee accepts proposals for short courses related to the conference topics until January 11, 2021. The tutorial program is intended to provide all attendees with an opportunity to expand their Conference experience, and as a result help to meet their expectations. Since this year SIBCON makes emphasis to Robots, we encourage appropriate topics besides others within conference scope. 

The SIBCON invites submissions for tutorial proposals on all topics of potential interest to the conference attendees. Tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience, speaker's background on relevant subject and the main learning outcomes. The intended length of the tutorial is 1.5–3 hours, but should also be indicated in proposal. If you are interesting in presenting tutorial during the Conference, please email us. 


You may be required to apply for entry Russian visa in advance. Visa application can take up to three-four month to be processed. Please contact the conference organizers in time to get an official invitation.

To submit a paper check the following Web page