Laboratory appointment:

1) development of the theoretical foundations of the sedimentology of carbonate rocks, including as oil and gas reservoirs;

2) mineralogical and lithological study of sedimentary strata in order to reconstruct the conditions;

3) mineralogical and lithological study of the core of oil fields in order to reconstruct the history of their formation, assess the productivity of deposits and the optimal mode of oil production;

4) carrying out works on diagnostics, flaw detection of products, quality control of materials, raw materials and products;

5) the study of building materials in order to improve the technology of their production;

4) interaction with oil companies in order to develop practical recommendations.

The research laboratory of phase analysis provides obtaining new scientific results, developing the scientific and personnel potential of KFU, introducing new methodological developments into production and the educational process. The laboratory provides the release of competitive specialists who have the skills to work with rocks and are able to conduct research related to the study of the mineral composition, structure, and texture of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, including sedimentary strata containing oil and gas deposits.

Laboratory staff regularly participate in international conferences, collaborate with leading experts in the world, enter into contractual work with major oil companies in Russia and abroad.

Among the conferences of priority, we can distinguish:

Thermal Methods for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Laboratory Testing, Simulation and Oilfields Applications;

International scientific conferences International Meeting of Sedimentology.

Laboratory staff participates in joint research with the laboratories of the Department of Oil and Gas. A.A. Trofimuk, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies, Department of Soil Science, Institute of Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry named after A.E. Arbuzov of the Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the Department of Building Materials of the Kazan State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering, etc.