Building a qualitative model for assessing the new forms of digital urban participation adoption by Russian citizens in solving socio-environmental problems and conflicts

The project aims to determine the features of the new forms of digital urban participation by Russian citizens in solving socio-environmental problems and conflicts: studying the main forms and practices of environmental participation digitalization among different groups of citizens; identifying necessary resources and factors that influence this process. The result of the research is expected to be a qualitative model for assessing the characteristics of new forms of digital urban participation adoption by Russian citizens in minimizing social and environmental problems and conflicts. At the same time, a theoretical and methodological development of the digital civic participation in the perspective of social ecology perspective, city sociology, social geography, civic initiatives (sociology of collective action) will be carried out. As for a practical result, the project aims to increase the environmental safety of Russian cities through a comprehensive analysis and development of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of new forms of civic participation, reduce socio-environmental risks using new information and communication technologies. Based on the project's results, articles will be published in specialised leading domestic and foreign scientific journals, and a PhD thesis for a young researcher will be defended. The results of the study will also be presented at international scientific conferences and on the project website.


Key research areas

Digital activism, civic engagement, environmental conflicts, crowdsourcing, environmental issues, sustainable cities, information and communication technologies, network communities, co-production