The Institute staff conduct both fundamental (30% of the total) and applied scientific research. The activities of scientific (educational and scientific) laboratories are carried out within the main research areas of the University. Theoretical problems are developed within the framework of the following scientific topics: differential equations with higher partial derivatives; non-classical problems for equations and systems of hyperbolic type; conditions for the solvability of the Goursat problem in quadratures; biota of urbacenoses; biological aspects of the structural and functional organization of living systems.

The topic of applied researches is focused on solving social, psychological, pedagogical, methodological problems: the development of educational technologies, programs, workshops; design of educational and developmental environment; development and support of gifted students; development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of multicultural education; development of mechanisms to prevent deviant behavior of children of the "risk group"; the formation of cultural competencies of future specialists.