Head of the chair: Anisimova Tatyana Ivanovna, Ph.D., Associate professor.

Laboratory assistant: Lizunova Natalya Vasilievna


The Chair of Mathematics and Applied Informatics was created according to order of the Rector of KFU No. 01-06/750 of July 20, 2016.

The chair is training in the following areas of preparation:

44.03.05 - Pedagogical education, profiles "Mathematics and computer science," "Mathematics and physics."

09.03.03 - Applied informatics, profiles "Applied informatics in economics," "General profile," "Applied informatics."

44.04.01 - Pedagogical education, profiles "Educational robotics," "Digital education."

44.06.01 - Education and pedagogical sciences, orientation (profile) of training 13.00.02 "Theory and methodology of education and upbringing (mathematics)."

The research work of the chair is carried out on the following topics:

  1. Differential equations.
  2. Geometry and Topology.
  3. Methods of teaching mathematics in higher and secondary schools.
  4. IT - education: methodology, methodological support.

The department has an educational and scientific laboratory "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling."

Topics of applied methodological research