The Department of Economic and Legal Sciences was created in the process of reorganization of two faculties: the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Management.

The law department at the Yelabuga Institute has existed in the correspondence department since 2003, in the full-time department since 2007. During this time, 10 graduates in the specialty "Jurisprudence" were carried out with the award of the qualification "law teacher". Since September 2011, bachelor's degree training has begun here in the direction of 030900.62 Jurisprudence (profile "Civil Law") and 050100.62 Pedagogical education (profile "Legal Education"). The Faculty of Law as an independent structural subdivision of the Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University was created in the process of reorganization of the Faculty of History and Jurisprudence on the basis of the existing legal department. The opening of the faculty was approved by the Rector's order No. 01-06/750 dated July 20, 2016.

The Faculty of Economics and Management began its work at the Elabuga Institute of KFU in 2011. The main task is to provide large, medium and small businesses with specialists of a new generation in the field of management, economics and finance.

In October 2020, the two faculties were merged into the Department of Economic and Legal Sciences.

The main mission of the department is to provide high-quality training of students using the best practices of other leading Russian universities. This becomes possible by combining educational, research, practical, educational activities into a single process, providing opportunities for creative self-realization for teachers, staff and students.

Over the years, a fairly large and highly qualified teaching staff has been formed. Currently, the faculty employs more than 30 full-time teachers and part-time teachers who read a cycle of legal and economic disciplines.

Teachers participate in innovative projects of the Institute, in the development and preparation of grants, effectively conduct research work, conduct classes within the framework of the activities of the "Children's University" and the summer camp for children "Intelleto". The department has a "Legal clinic" that provides free legal assistance to the population, a club "School of Legal Education", a scientific circle on international law.

In the process of studying at the faculty, modern educational technologies are used (case method, gamification method, online courses, pre-casting method (inverted class), which allows you to prepare graduates who are in demand in the labor market.

Teachers and students take an active part in the research activities of the department and the Institute: they participate in conferences, grant competitions. The Department of Economic and Legal Sciences annually organizes All-Russian scientific and practical conferences.

During the summer holidays, on the basis of the sports and recreation camp "Burevestnik", the "Summer Economic School" is open annually, where leading specialists of enterprises of the real sector of the economy are invited to exchange experience with students.


The department implements educational activities in the following programs:

Bachelor course:

40.03.01 - Jurisprudence (profile "Civil law")

38.03.01 - Economics (profile "Accounting, analysis and audit")

38.03.01 - Economics (profile "General profile")

38.03.01 - Economics (profile "Economics and finance of the organization")

38.03.02 - Management (Logistics profile)

38.03.02 - Management (profile "Organization Management")



44.04.01 - Pedagogical education (profile "Management of an educational organization)

The department manages the following Chairs:

Economics and Management