Sattarova Gulnaz Glusovna - Deputy Director for social and educational work 89520462052, email:


Accumulating in its activity many issues of student life, the department plays a special role in the educational process and performs the following functions:

-organization and coordination of work to create a holistic concept and system of social and educational work with students;

-creation of a database on student life issues;

-preparation of regulatory documents, orders regulating extracurricular work with students;

-coordination of the work of deputy deans of educational departments to create a unified educational space at the university;

-coordination of work with faculties, departments, public organizations to address issues of educational and social work with students;

-coordination of the work on the distribution of the Social Support Fund for Students and Postgraduates;

-coordination of work and control over scholarship support for students;

-organization of work to provide material assistance to students;

-search for alternative sources of social and material support for the most talented part of the student body;

-organizational work with faculties for the designation of nominal scholarships;

-participation in the preparation and conduct of the final student scientific conference of the institute;

-assisting students in the preparation of documents and solving material issues for participation in international, All-Russian student contests, competitions, scientific conferences;

-work to support and develop student government;

-providing organizational and material assistance in the implementation of initiatives for the development of student clubs, creative teams and other student structures, as well as during mass cultural, sporting and other events;

-coordinating the work of faculties in organizing student accommodation in dormitories;

-organization of interaction with institutions of the city, republic and Volga Federal District in order to optimize social assistance and educational work with students of the institute.