In 1931, during the fundamental reorganization of the University, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was abolished, and instead three departments of physics and mathematics were created: physical, mechanical and mathematical, and aerodynamic. From the department of theoretical mechanics stands out the department of aerodynamics, headed by the founder of the Kazan school of motion stability theory prof. NG Chetaev, who is also known as the founder of the Kazan Aviation Institute. The latter appears a year later, in 1932, the department of aerodminamies leaves the Kazan University and forms the KAI, now known as the Kazan National Research Technical University. A. N. Tupolev.

In 1941, specialization in mechanics was discontinued, almost all teachers and students went to the front. In 1943, Professor N.N. Parfent'ev, who headed the department in recent years, died. For some time the department existed only formally. A new story began from the moment when a promising young scientist from the Kazan Aviation Institute, Gumer Galeyevich Tumashev, was invited to the position of head of the department of mechanics at Kazan University in 1944. GGTumashev brought with him from the Aviation Institute advanced aviation topics, complex and very topical problems of aerodynamic design of the wing. His great merit was the formulation and method of solving the so-called inverse boundary value problems of aerodynamics (OKZA), when the shape of the wing profile is not given, but the desired value. At the university, these problems fell on the fertile soil of high mathematical culture. Initially purely applied tasks received generalized formulations, developed into a big science.

In 1951, the government of the Republic of Tatarstan appealed to the scientists of Kazan with a request for help from the young oil industry of Tatarstan. To study the problems, a scientific seminar was organized headed by Professor Tumashev and Professor G.S. Salekhov from the Physico-Technical Institute of the Kazan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1954, the department of aerohydromechanics, all also headed by G. G. Tumashev, was separated from the department of theoretical mechanics. At the department of aerohydromechanics appeared a constant specialization of students in underground fluid mechanics. Currently, this is one of the most popular practice areas of the department.

A younger one is also the scientific direction arising from the needs of production: “Theoretical Foundations of Electrochemical Processing of Metal”. Research in this area is vigorously developed by Professor V.V. Klokov and his numerous students.

In 1993, Yu.M.Molokovich handed over the leadership of the department of aerohydromechanics to Professor V.V. Klokov. From 2001 to 2003, the department was headed by prof. A.V. Kosterin. From 2004 to 2018, the department was headed by prof. A.G.Egorov. Currently, it is headed by K.A.Potashev.