- Forum Announcement
- Press Conference on the V International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE
- Pedagogical education of Russia. Alexey Lubkov
- Requirements for novice teachers in Switzerland. Manuela Keller-Schneider
- The main challenges facing Russian teacher education. Victor Bolotov
- Promoting and mentoring novice teachers: Austrian politics and experience. E. Winddle. E. Dameror
- Children's rights, or how we continue the work of Janusz Korczak today. Marek Michalak
- Changing teacher education: a research dimension. Maria Flores
- Plenary discussion "Young teacher at school: challenges, barriers and solutions"
- Plenary discussion "Pedagogical education in an era of change"
- How to teach in different countries of the world?
- Session of the Migrants and School Discussion Club
- Analytical program "Synopsis". Feedback from Forum participants
- News story about the opening of the forum
- Mustafa Yunus Eriaman, Мустафа Юнус Эриаман, President-elect of the World Association for Educational Research (WERA)
- Ian Menter, Иен Джеймс Ментер, Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford, Vice-President of the British Association for Educational Research Emeritus, University of Oxford
- Maria Teresa Tatto (Мария Тереза Татто,) Professor, University of Arizona, USA
- Conor Galvin (Конор Гэлвин), University of Dublin, Ireland
- Roza Valeeva (Роза Валеева, ) professor at KFU
- Tomasz Sosnowski (Томаш Сосновски), University of Białystok, Poland
- Batiya Gilad (Батия Гилад ), World Janusz Korczak Society, Israel
- Carla Hurek (Карла Хурека), University of Texas at El Paso, USA
- Marek Michalak (Марек Михалак) President of the International Association Janusz Korczak
- Rocio Bradley (Росио Бредли), Lincoln School, Mount Vermont, USA
- Victor Bolotov (Виктор Болотов,) Academician RAO
- Dina Birman (Дина Бирман )
- Интервью
- Мурат Чошанов (Mourat Tchoshanov)