1. I.T. Rakipov, M.A. Varfolomeev, A.Yu. Kirgizov, B.N. Solomonov Thermodynamics of the hydrogen bonding of nitrogen-containing cyclic and aromatic compounds with proton donors: The structure-property relationship. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2014. – V. 88, N 12. – P. 2023-2028.
  2.  I.T. Rakipov, M.A. Varfolomeev, A.Yu. Kirgizov, B.N. Solomonov Thermochemistry of dissolution, solvation, and hydrogen bonding of anilines in proton-acceptor organic solvents at 298.15 K. Russian Journal of General Chemistry. – 2014. – V. 84, N 9. – P. 1676-1682.
  3.  M.A. Varfolomeev, I.T. Rakipov, W.E. Acree, Jr., M. Brumfield, M.H. Abraham. Examination of hydrogen-bonding interactions between dissolved solutes and alkylbenzene solvents based on Abraham model correlations derived from measured enthalpies of solvation. Thermochim. Acta. – 2014. – V. 594. – P. 68-79.
  4.  B.N. Solomonov, M.A. Varfolomeev, R.N. Nagrimanov, V.B. Novikov, D.H. Zaitsau, S.P. Verevkin Solution calorimetry as a complementary tool for the determination of enthalpies of vaporization and sublimation of low volatile compounds at 298.15 K. Thermochim. Acta. – 2014. – V. 589. – P. 164-173.
  5.  S.P. Verevkin, V.N. Emel'yanenko, M.A. Varfolomeev, B.N. Solomonov, K.V. Zherikova Enthalpies of vaporization of a series of the fluoro- and chloro-substituted benzenes. Fluid Phase Equilib. – 2014. – V. 380. – P. 67-75.
  6.  S.P. Verevkin, S.V. Melkhanova, V.N. Emel'yanenko, D.H. Zaitsau, M.A. Varfolomeev, B.N. Solomonov, K.V. Zherikova Thermochemistry of dihalogen-substituted benzenes: data evaluation using experimental and quantum chemical methods. J. Phys. Chem. B. – 2014. – V. 118, N 49. – P. 14479-14492.
  7.  M.A. Varfolomeev, K.V. Zaitseva, I.T. Rakipov, B.N. Solomonov, W. Marczak Speed of sound, density and related thermodynamic excess properties of binary mixtures of butan-2-one with C1-C4 n-alkanols and chloroform. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. – 2014. – V. 59. – P. 4118-4132.