Basics of mathematical information processing
Number theory
Discrete math
Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms
Analytical geometry and linear algebra
Differential geometry
Projective geometry
Basic geometric structures and topology
Mathematical analysis
Complex analysis
Functional analysis
Differential equations
Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
Concepts of modern science
Mathematical foundations of physics
Geometric models in physics
Dynamic systems
Elements of financial mathematics
Information technology in education
Information technology in mathematics education
Basics of mathematical modeling
Mathematical modeling in computer math systems
Mathematical modeling in astronomy and cosmology
Mathematical modeling in mechanics and physics
Computer mathematics systems in education
The use of computer mathematics in teaching
The use of mathematical modeling in elementary and higher mathematics
Computer geometry
Computer graphics and design
Creation of electronic educational resources
Creation and support of the website of the educational institution
Technical tools in professional activities
Technologies for creating mathematical texts
Solving olympiad mathematics problems
Solving olympiad informatics problems