Registration is through EDAS Conference Management Systems. The deadline for paper registration is shown below (under Important Deadlines section). Please register and pay by following these steps:

  1. Log on to EDAS
  2. Click on the Register tab
  3. Click on the Register for Conference icon against DeSE2019 (under the column Register
    ​Self – for self register, or the column Register Others – to register another attendee)
  4. Click on the Register icon for the category of event that applies to you.
  5. Click on Pay
  6. Enter your payment details
  7. Click on Pay for Registration

To register an additional paper there is also an option for this, so ensure to choose all relevant selections.

Conference fees to be Confirmed…

Academic Registration (with digital copy of proceedings)


Academic Registration (with digital copy of proceedings)  includingconference Dinner


Student Registration (with digital copy of proceedings) (
evidence required)


Student Registration (with digital copy of proceedings)
including conference Dinner


Registration for Multiple Papers Presented by the same Author
(a maximumof 2 extra papers allowed)

  $150 for
additional paper

Russian State University Academics


Russian companies and Russian private universities


Extra Ticket for the conference Dinner


Extra Page Fee


– Each paper requires at least one full registration. 

– 20% of the fee discount for IEEE, eSystems Engineering Society and BCS members. You may need to add this membership number to your EDAS profile.

For any queries, please contact:

Miss Jade Hind:

Prof Abir Hussain:

Prof Jamila Mustafina: