Selected papers will be invited to submit to the following Open Access journal:


Sensors is the leading international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of sensors and biosensors. Sensors is published monthly online by MDPI. Sensors special issue journal is indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), MEDLINE (PubMed), Ei Compendex, Inspec (IET) and other databases. Manus­cripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 24 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5.6 days (media value for 2017).

SPIIRAS Proceedings

SPIIRAS Proceedings is a scientific journal focused on computer science, automation, and applied mathematics. It is published in both printed and online versions. Free online access to the full content of the journal is provided. The journal is indexed in Scopus (Computer Science, Mathematics), RSCI Web of Science, The Top 100 Russian journals and Crossref. The articles have DOI identifiers. Fee for the paper publication and processing is not charged. Papers are submitted
in English and in Russian in MS Word or LaTex formats.
Deadline for manus­cript submissions: January 31, 2020. Publication of special issue will be during April – June 2020.