Earlier on April 1, we opened a system for submitting online applications for invitations. Unfortunately, due to the difficult epidemiological situation, we will not be able to invite enrollees to the entrance examinations for the degree educational programs.

KFU will conduct all entrance exams remotely this year and therefore we will start preparing invitations only after the tuition fee prepayment is made by the student.

In order to get access to the entrance exams you will need to follow the instructions below:

Further information about applying is available here.

NB! If any persons offer you services of enrolling in Kazan Federal University without exams, or if any persons who are not registered recruiting agencies offer to collect money from you for an application process (which is free of charge at the university), please let us know via e-mail anticorruption@kpfu.ru or call us +7 843 233 70 27.