E.G. Linyuchkina*, M.A. Kozyreva**
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: *evalinyu@mail.ru, **kozyr2m@mail.ru
Received November 21, 2017
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The paper is devoted to the analysis of the reproductive reception of John Keats' works in Russia during the 21st century. Based on the study of user queries in the most used, according to the Seo-auditor, search engines on the Internet – Yandex and Google – and groups devoted to the author in the most popular social networks – VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, and Facebook, it has been concluded that due to the lack of promotion of the English poet-romanticist in Russia, J. Keats has a low popularity among ordinary readers. Compared to the popularity of A.S. Pushkin, G.G. Byron, and W. Shakespeare in the Russian Internet, the popularity of J. Keats can be estimated as very low. Translations and publications of sonnets, odes, and creations of other genres, especially epic poems, by J. Keats in the Russian language caused a surge of research interest to the author, his creativity, his literary method, biography, and artistic ideas. The analysis of dissertations and articles on J. Keats written during the last decades has revealed a shift of interest of researchers from the genre features of his works towards the aesthetic concept of authorship, which distinguished J. Keats from other English romantic poets of the 19th century and influenced many followers of J. Keats, such as W. Morris and O. Wilde.
Keywords: reproductive reception, John Keats, poetry, 21st century, aesthetic concept of authorship, promotion, readers' interest
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For citation: Linyuchkina E.G., Kozyreva M.A. John Keats' poetry in Russia of the 21st century. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 1, pp. 207–222. (In Russian)

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