...for Bachelors in Mathematics
Core Cources
Differential equations
Numerical methods
Calculus of variations and optimization methods
Partial differential equations
Special courses
Programming technologies
Object oriented programming
Math applications creating
Basics of building distributed applications
Database Management Systems
Artificial Neural Networks
Theory of function's approximation
Machine learning
Wavelets and their applications
General theory of approximate methods and its applications
Differential games
Resource management and transportation tasks
Finite elements methods
Mathematical modeling of traffic flows
Extreme problems of the theory of functions
Convolution type equations
Singular Integral Equations
Supply Chain Management
Optional Electives
Computer networks
Information Systems

...for Bachelors in Mathematics & Computer Science
Core Cources
Numerical methods
Basics of Computer Science
Special courses
Programming technologies
Object oriented programming
Math applications creating
Basics of building distributed applications
Calculus of variations and optimization methods
Difference methods for solving differential and integral equations
Partial differential equations
Database Management Systems
Artificial Neural Networks
C# Application Development
Social Network Analysis
Semantic Web Technologies
Modern programming languages
Introduction to Wavelet Theory
Big data
Distributed computing
Operating Systems
Decision-making theory
Technological (design and technological) practice
Research work
Research work (obtaining primary research skills)
Performance and protection of final qualifying work
Optional Electives
Computer networks
Information Systems

...for Bachelors in Mechanics
Core Cources
Numerical methods
Programming technologies and work on computers
Differential equations
Special courses
Optimization theory
Optional Electives
Computer networks
Information Systems

...for Masters in Mathematics
Core Cources
Methods of mathematical modeling of socio-economic processes
Methods of mathematical modeling of problems of natural science
Special courses
Modern problems of mathematics
Information Technologies
Methods for singular integral equation's solving
Variational methods in mathematical physics
Geometric Theory of Functions

...for Masters in Mathematics & Computer Sciences
Core Cources
Methods of mathematical modeling of socio-economic processes
Special courses
Modern problems of mathematics
Methods for solving integral equations
Algorithms and data structure
Theory of approximation of functions
Wavelets in computer graphics theory & it's applications
Spline function methods and their applications
Information security
Software Development for Mobile Devices
Web programming
Business Process Management