Professional Development Program

Name of the program

Modern methods of analytical atomic spectrometry

The category of trainees - is the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher education, staff of spectral analytical laboratories of industrial and agricultural enterprises, research institutes, supervisory bodies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Ministry of Ecology

Level of qualification: starting at level 5

Forms of mastering the program: full-time

Organization of training - 8 hours a day, 9 working days, with a break from work

The program is recommended by the educational-methodical commission of the Institute of Physics of KFU

Compilers (developers)

Zakharov Yuri Anatolievich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics, KFU, Head. Laboratory of Analytical Spectroscopy KFU

Salikhova Olesya Borisovna - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant of the Department of General Physics of KFU, employee of the Analytical Spectroscopy Laboratory of KFU

Irisov Denis Sergeevich - postgraduate student of the Department of General Physics of KFU

Khaybullin Rustem Raisovich - postgraduate student of the Department of General Physics of KFU


Professional Development Program

Name of the program

Application of the mass spectrometry method with inductively coupled plasma

Category of trainees - laboratory staff

Skill level: 5

Volume: 72 hours

Form of education is part - full-time - in absentia

The distance learning organization is 32 hours, is designed for 8 working days (4 hours per day), the full part is 40 hours, is designed for 5 working days, and includes practical work on equipment (36 hours) and self-monitoring of the full cycle of measurements sample (4 hours).

Compiled by:

Voloshin Alexander Viktorovich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the General Physics Department of the Institute of Physics