Elvira Firdavilevna Nagumanova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation,



This article is the first review of the Russian translations of contemporary Tatar poems and general trends in the practices of poetic translations from Tatar into Russian. The research results identify a growing interest in translations from ethnic languages at the beginning of the twenty first century, as evidenced by numerous collections of translations from the Tatar language released both in Moscow (e.g., “The Anthology of New Tatar Poetry”) and Kazan publishing houses (collections of translated poems by Suleiman, Mirza, Lenar Shaekh, et al). The quality of translations based on the original text significantly differs from those based on the interlinear translation. The analysis of the translated works enables us to conclude that contemporary translators find interesting forms in the Russian language to adequately transfer the Tatar authors’ poetic styles; however, many patterns of contemporary Tatar poetry still present difficulty for translation into other languages.


Key words: contemporary Tatar poetry, translation, original, Russian language, poetics, identity.

