Mileusha Mukhametzyanovna Khabutdinova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation.


The article is a review of Yu. Minnullina and R. Kashapov's album “Ike Kylem” (“Twice the Amount”) (2016). The example of the festival JADIDFEST reveals the features characterizing the existence of performance in modern Tatar culture and its role in popularization of Tatar poetry and Tatar alternative music. The article also presents the analysis of 11 poems from the city lyrics of the poetess, describes unique features of Yu. Minnullina’s imaginative world, and observes the strophic experiments and word creation. The author offers her view on the role of R. Kashapov's music in the album.


Key words: modern Tatar poetry, Yu. Minnullina, Tatar alternative music, R. Kashapov, album “Ike Kylem” (“Twice the Amount”).

