Viktoriia Alekseevna Karamasheva,

N. F. Katanov Khakas State University,

90 Lenin Pr., Abakan, 655000, Russian Federation.


The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of “Pyrom Tasta, Chirim” (“Forgive Me, Land”), the Khakas production created by Tatiana Mainagasheva and based on A. M. Gilyazov’s story and drama “Och Arshyn Zhir” (“Three Arshins of Land”). The target text of the drama in Khakas by T. Mainagasheva demonstrates the translator’s literary and culturological approach to the original: she manages to preserve the artistic concept in the text, being not limited to the “theatre idiolect” of one director, and she successfully reflects the linguistic and cultural features of the original text.


Key words: cultural linguistics, translation, Tatar literature, Khakas language, A. M.Gilyazov, “Three Arshins of Land”, “Forgive Me, Land”.

