The head is Penkovtsev Roman Vladimirovich, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of International Relations, World Politics and Foreign Regional Studies of KFU.

REC Middle Eastern Studies Center ensures the development of the scientific and personnel potential of KFU, the improvement of the quality of the educational and scientific processes in KFU, the pooling of intellectual and material resources in the implementation of scientific research, the creation and large-scale application of innovative development methods and innovative education technologies.

The Centre's activities are aimed at the following tasks:

- conducting theoretical and applied research in the field of politics of the State of Israel, the problems of the Middle East, the life and activities of Jewish diasporas in various regions of the world;

- ensuring the connection of scientific research in the field of Jewish studies, Israeli politics and the problems of the Middle East, the culture and religion of the Jewish people at various historical stages and in various regions of his residence, with academic work at the departments of the Institute;

- activation and coordination of scientific research, scientific and educational, information activities in the field of Jewish studies, Israeli politics and diaspora issues.

The tasks of the Centre in the field of innovation-production and technological activities are:

- assistance in the implementation of educational programmes related to the research issues of the Centre;

- organization of educational activities related to the Centre's subjects;

- raising the level of educational and methodical work by creating new curricula, textbooks, teaching aids and methodological aids, including on electronic media;

- carrying out of fundamental and applied scientific research work;

- improving the efficiency of the quality of research and development, the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in areas related to the problems of the Centre;

- assistance in the implementation of research results and other developments in the production and training process;

- attraction of teachers, researchers, doctoral students, graduate students and students of the KFU to R & D performed in the Centre.

The Centre can also organize:

- maintenance and development of scientific relations of KFU with the leading Russian and world Centres for studying the policy of Israel and the problems of the Middle East .;

- effective use of the available scientific, personnel, experimental and experimental base in research and educational processes on the scientific profile of the Centre;

- popularization of scientific knowledge and pre-university vocational guidance work, schoolchildren, university Olympiads, scientific and practical conferences of students and graduate students, master classes and exhibitions, development and practical implementation of measures to motivate talented young people for a professional career in the scientific profile of the Centre.

Educational programs are organized both on a commercial basis and at the expense of scientific projects, if this does not contradict the terms of the contract (agreement) for the performance of work or the provision of services.