Head - Kondrateva Irina, PhD, Associate Professor

Activity of the Center

The Center provides scientific, educational and personnel development of the Higher school of foreign languages and translation studies of Institute of  international relations of KFU; application of innovative methods; development of training foreign languages technologies in the preschool, school, high school and university educational environment.

The main scientific activity of the Center is the functioning of languages and cultures of countries, typological and comparative linguistics, research in the field of foreign pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages, educational and methodological activities in the field of language education.

Educational activity

- Promotion of pre-university foreign languages training of students;

- Promotion of university language training for students in KFU;

- Promoting the adaptation of people of different age and social groups in the process of teaching foreign languages;

- Promotion of advanced training for teaching, scientific, and pedagogical personnel;

- Incorporation of research results into the educational process;

- Strengthening of a broad applied platform of scientific research, implementing research while solving educational problems.


- Development of research in the Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation studies;

- Establishment of scientific contacts and cooperation with scientific and educational institutions of Russia and other countries;

- Practical testing and introduction of the obtained results into the educational medium of the Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation studies of IMO KFU and educational institutions of various types of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation.


Language Initiative, Center for New Educational Technologies of Intellectual Development of Children and Youth;

KFU Language Medium Academic Environment Center for Innovative Language Education Space: "Knowledge for Global Science"; «Knowledge for Global Life»; «Language Assessment Development»;

Language Perspectives Continuing Language Education Center

Center of linguistic examination.


Multilevel development language programs and pre-university education activities:

Olympic movement of foreign languages of the Republic of Tatarstan;

All-Russian English Language Olympiad;

Educational training for Olympiads;

Teaching in the English camp of KFU “Discover KFU”;

Annual Republican Linguistic Forum "Bridging Languages and Cultures";

Participation in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of School Students named after N.I. Lobachevsky (moderating of sections);

KFU Lycées English Language Environment Project

Scientific and educational activities for students at all levels of higher education:

The annual International Scientific Student Online Conference "Bridging professionals through University Language Education" is one of the steps to success in the professional community;

Organization of international winter and summer language schools of foreign languages and intercultural communication;

Annual Foreign Language Dictation

Master classes, advanced training and retraining programs in language education and translation in Tatarstan and Volga region;

Scientific-practical and scientific-methodological activities for teachers of foreign languages of the Republic of Tatarstan:

Annual International Scientific and Practical Conference "Understanding languages across transnational spaces and scales" with publication of the conference materials in journals "Terra Linguae" (RITZ) and "Kazan Linguistic Journal";

Foreign Language Training and Advanced Training Programs for the Real Economy Sector "Language Smart."