The Department of Practice and Theory of Translation was founded on September 1, 2013 and is one of the structural subdivisions of the Higher School of Foreign Languages ​​and Translation in Kazan Federal University.

The Department sets the following priority tasks:

-increase the quality of training future specialists in the framework of modern competitive educational programs (Bachelor's and Master's) and the diversity of modern educational technologies;

- preservation and development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff, corresponding to the status of the graduating department of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies;

- realization of measures to promote KFU in international subject ratings in the area of "Linguistics";

- ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in the market of translation services;

-extension of the partner network with Russian and foreign educational organizations, which will ensure the inclusion of the Department in the all-Russian and international educational environment;

-active work with applicants and gifted children.

The main areas of training, implemented by the department:

45.03.02 Linguistics (profile "Translation and Translation Studies", Bachelor's Degree program)

45.04.02 Linguistics (profile "Translation and Translation Studies", Master's Degree program).

Since 2014, Masters have been trained for the network program "Theory of Translation. Intercultural and interlingual communication" in conjunction with the Caspian Higher School of Translation;

Since 2015 – on the international network program "Teaching foreign languages ​​in a multicultural environment: innovative approaches and technologies" in conjunction with the German Cultural Center named after Goethe (Munich-Moscow).

The Department realizes management of postgraduate study in specialty 10.02.20 - "Comparative-historical, typological and contrastive linguistics". The post-graduate students are headed by D.Sc., Associate Professor S.S.Takhtarova,.

The main scientific area of the department is "Linguistic, translational and linguodidactic aspects of the study of foreign languages", implemented in the framework of research topics and scientific projects in the following areas:

- cultural linguistics;

-theory of intercultural communication;

-theory, methodology and didactics of translation

-socio, psycho, and ethnolinguistics;

-theory of discourse;

-cognitive linguistics.

The Department pays special attention to the development of human resources. Teachers of the Department regularly take advanced training courses, internships, participate in seminars and master classes aimed at increasing their linguistic and methodological competence, both in Russia and abroad, and go through language certification. Employees of the Department, Takhtarova S.S., Zaglyadkina T.Ya., Zaripova A.N., Khaimova G.G., Rakhimberdieva I.M., have passed international certification as examiners of the German Cultural Center after Goethe and are authorized to take exams in German language of the Goethe-Institute in the corresponding language levels.