The Department of International Economic Relations began its work on September 1, 2017.

The main scientific areas of the Department of International Economic Relations are: the economy and international economic relations of the countries of the world; international economic integration.

The main goal of the Department of International Economic Relations is to realize educational, methodological and research work in the field of economic development and foreign economic relations of the states of Asia and Africa and, first of all, those states which are entered the zone of The Silk Road Economic Belt.

The department sets the following priority tasks:

-increase in the quality of training future specialists in the framework of  perspective and demanded educational programs (bachelor's and master's);

- preservation and development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff;

- introduction in the educational process of modern forms, methods and technologies of teaching.

At present, the Department of International Economic Relations trains specialists in the economics of countries of Asia and Africa (China, South Korea, Japan).

In 2018, student recruitment in direction 58.03.01 Oriental Studies and Africanistics was announced for a new profile of training - "Economics and International Economic Relations of Asian and African Countries" (Bachelor's). The specificity of the new educational program is its focus on training specialists with knowledge of the economies of the countries of the studied region and communication skills in two foreign languages ​​(English and Arabic). Currently, the department teaches 22 training courses on various specialties.

A great deal of attention is paid to improving the publication activity of the department staff, including in foreign journals. The staff of the department successfully conducts scientific research on a wide range of problems: international cooperation and foreign economic relations of the countries of the world, international integration and integration associations, international transport systems and international transport logistics, problems of economic development of individual countries and regions of the world, economic interaction of Russia and its regions with states of the world.