Master degree program of Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry KFU

04.04.01 Chemistry

Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modelling

Profile: Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modelling

The qualification: Master

Language: Russian

Duration of Study: 2 years

Cost of education: 2800$ (the first year), 5600$ (the full cost of education)

Supervisor: prof. Antipin Igor Sergeevich Phone: 2337371 E-mail:

Contact person: Ph.D. Madzhidov Timur Ismailovich Tel: 2337371 E-mail:

Program Des­cription

The master's program "Chemoinformatics and molecular modeling" gives a chance to receive a unique education at the level of the best universities in Europe (it passed international accreditation of educational programs by ZeVA agency, Germany). Chemoinformatics is a multidisciplinary field of chemistry at the interface of chemistry, computer science, biology, pharmacology, physics and mathematical statistics, which is dedicated to information retrieval from an array of experimental data. Its main application is the computer search for the compound, material or reaction with desired characteristics. In this master program we train universal specialists in the field of theoretical and computational chemistry, who possess the skills of carrying out quantum chemical calculations, molecular dynamics modeling and chemoinformatics tool application: can develop tools for computational chemistry, create web interfaces and much more. Training masters in Chemoinformatics and Molecular Modeling can be implemented with two possible options: a single or double degree program. The double degree program is running as collaboration with the University of Strasbourg, France. Students finish first year of education in the Master Program of KFU, and the second year they enroll Master in Chemoinformatics program of the University of Strasbourg. After completion of the latter students receive diplomas from both universities.

Program Benefits

? Unique education (there are only 4 such programs in the world)

? Education at the level of the best universities in Europe (quality is confirmed by the agency for the accreditation of educational programs ZeVA, Germany)

? A unique opportunity to study within the double degree program at Strasbourg University, France

? Some classes are conducted by invited scientists - leading experts in the field of chemoinformatics (A. Tropsch, A. Warnek, D. Horvath, I. Tetko, I. Baskin, P. Polishchuk)

? Multidisciplinary specialty - we teach mathematics, statistics, programming and all possible modeling methods that can be used in chemistry

Career opportunities

Successful graduates of this program can find work in the Research & Development departments of the enterprises of the pharmacological, oil and chemical industries, IT companies developing new software products for molecular modeling and chemoinformatics, as well as in academic institutes engaged in the development of new, practically useful substances. In particular, at present there are opportunities for postgraduate study at KFU, University of Strasbourg (France), University of North Carolina (USA), Helmholtz Zentrum München (Germany), Palacky University (Czech), the list is updated annually. Cooperation with BIOCAD opens up opportunities to have training and write diploma on industrial company with prospects for subsequent employment. Our students receive a rare and demanded specialty in the labor market: there were requests for employment of students at BIOCAD, Russia (pharmaceuticals and drug development), ScienceDataSoftware, USA (development of tools for data analysis), InSilico Medicine, USA / Russia (development of artificial intelligence methods to use in the natural sciences).