За 2017 год.
1. Khasanov D.I., Grunis E.G. / Modeling Peculiarities of Two Bitumen Deposits of the Sheshmian Horizon of the Ufimian Stage Located in the Republic of Tatarstan // Georesursy.
2. Шаймухаметова, А.В., Смолина, О.В., Усманов, С.А / Анализ применения горизонтального бурения для залежей, находящихся на поздней стадии разработки // EAGE Horizontal Wells 2017.
3. Нугманов И.И. / Application of GIS in interpretation of the results of multistage hydraulic fracturing monitoring by surface microseismic method // EAGE Horizontal Wells 2017.
4. Валидов М.Ф. / Development of the approach for automatic well logging interpretation for big number of wells with the use of machine learning // EAGE Geomodel 2017.
5. Нугманов И.И. / Assessing the role of natural fracturing by multiscale geophysical investigation // Neftyanoe Khozyaystvo - Oil Industry.
6. Davletbaev A., Kovaleva L., Zainulin A., Kireev V., Babadagli T., Minnigalimov R. / Modeling Heavy-Oil Recovery Using Electromagnetic Radiation/Hydraulic Fracturing Considering Adiabatic Effect and Thermal Expansion // Journal of Heat Transfer - HT-17-1055.
7. Новикова С.П., Нургалиев Д.К., Судаков В.А., Делев А.Н., Нургалиева Н.Г., Лябипов М.Р., Ахмадуллин Р.Р. /The Main Features of the Geological Modeling Process of a Shallow Deposit of Super-Viscous Oil in Aspect of Development Strategy Planning with the Use of Steam‑Assisted Gravity Drainage Method // Georesursy.
8. Новикова С.П., Усманов С.А., Делев А.Н. /Geological modeling of super-viscous oil reservoir of the Permian sedimentary complex on the western slope of the South Tatar arch. Some features of the geological model building of the super-viscous oil shallow deposits // SGEM2017.
9. Yousef I.M., Usmanov S.A., Morozov V.P. / Diagenetic chlorite, illite and illite-smectite minerals, sandstone reservoir, structural, morphology and precipitation upper triassic reservoir, Syria // SGEM2017.
10. Abd Al Salam Al Khder, Usmanov S. A., Borisov A. S., Bokova N. V. / Sedimentological framework of early cretaceous (Rutbah formation) in Saban field – Syria // SGEM2017.
11. Platov B.V., Usmanov S.A. / The study of the structural features of the sedimentary cover of the Republic of Tatarstan by the interpretation of the regional seismic profile "Tatseis" // SGEM2017.
12. Чемоданов А.Е. / Geochemical Modeling With the Use of Vertical and Horizontal Relative Concentrations of Oil Biomarkers for the Heavy Oil Fields // JPST.
За 2018 год.
1. Ситдиков Р.Н., Степанов А.В., Нургалиев Д.К., Гареев М.Р., Головцов А.В. / Применение математического моделирования для обоснования сейсмических способов контроля разработки неглубоких залежей сверхвязкой нефти с помощью технологии SAGD // Моделирование геологического строения и процессов разработки - основа успешного освоения нефтяных и нефтегазовых месторождений: материалы Международной научно-практической конференции.