Absatova M.A., R. K.Diuanova


Bainiyazova E. M. (foreign 3-year graduate student) and Bekish E. (foreign master student, 2014-2016) under supervision of Professor Fahrutdinova R.A. collaborate with the Department of Practical English.


  1. Bainiyazova E.M., Fahrutdinova R. A., Fahrutdinov R.R., Absatova M.A. Interactive technologies in formation of communicative competence of students of high educational institution// International Journal of Scientific Study, Vol 5 | Issue 6- 2017 | -pp.63-66.
  2. Sirazieva, L. M., Fakhrutdinova, R. A., Fakhrutdinov, R. R., Diuanova, R. K. (2017). Methods of assessing students' self-regulated learning skills//Ad Alta-Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. - 2017. - Vol.7, Is.2. - pp.168-170.