K.A.Baikalova, D.Yu.Emel’yanov, B.Sh.Kulpeshov, E.A.Palyutin, and S.V.Sudoplatov. On algebras of distributions of binary isolating formulas for theories of Abelian groups and their ordered enrichments
G.S.Balashova. On Fredholm solvability of the Dirichet problem for linear differential equations of infinite order
M.A.Bobodzhanova, O.D.Tuichiev, and D.A.Shaposhnikova. Substantiation of a theorem on limit transition in singularly perturbed integral system with diagonal degeneration of a kernel
V.V.Gorbatsevich. Foundations of the theory of dual Lie algebras
A.M.Kytmanov and O.V.Khodos. An approach to the determination of the resultant of two entire functions
N.V.Malai, E.R.Shchukin, and A.V.Limanskaya. Investigation of boundary-value problem for stationary system of equations of viscous non-isothermal fluid
A.I.Perov, I.D.Kostrub, O.I.Kleshchina, and E.E.Dikarev. Absolute logarithmic norm
S.M.Chuiko. Solvability of linear matrix boundary value problem