Tel.: (843) 233-71-03

Post: Professor

Education: Kazan University

Academic Degree: Candidate of Sciences in Law (1998), Doctor of Sciences in Law (2002)

Position: Professor

Teaching experience: since 1989


Criminal Law


The main institutions of the criminal law in foreign countries

Crimes in the Sphere of Economic Activity

Organized Crime

Scientific Specialty: Crimes in the sphere of Economic Activity; Problems of Crime Prevention;  Criminal Law in Foreign Countries

Publications: 75

She is a scientific supervisor for 10 graduate theses.

The main publications:

Crimes in the sphere of economic activity

Crimes in the sphere of economic activity: problems of theory and legislative regulation

Problem book on Criminal Law. Chapter 18. “Crimes against peace and security”

Problem book on Criminal Law. Chapter 1. “Criminal Law”

Problem book on Criminal Law. Chapter 2. “The notion of Crime”

Knowledge of languages: English

Additional information:

Member of Doctor Thesis Board

Grant of the Russian Foundation for Legal Reform (2002). Soros Foundation (2000)

Participated in international conferences and seminars: Belgium (1996), Ekaterinburg (2002, 2003)