Fishman Alexandr Izrailovich

Professor of the General Physics Department of the Institute of Physics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor

Nefedyev Yury Anatolevich

Professor of the Department of Computational Physics and Modeling of Physical Processes of the Institute of Physics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor

Daminov Rustam Valievich

Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics of the Institute of Physics, KFU, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Garnaeva Guzel Ildarovna

Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Technologies in Physics of the KFU Institute of Physics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Zayats Alexei Evgenievich​

Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Relativity and Gravitation of the Institute of Physics of the KFU, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences