Prof. Yanitsky graduated from Moskowskyi  Architecturnyi Institute, 1957; M of Architecture, Institute of Public Buildings of Academy of Architecture, 1964; PhD, Institute of International Labor Movement, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1978. Head of dept. Institute of Public Buildings, 1957-66; Institute of History of Architecture, 1966-67; Institute of International Labor movement, 1967-93, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, from 1993 till now; prof. Inst. International Labor Movement, 2000-; part-time prof. International University, Moscow, 1993-94; visiting professor at MIT, 1995; head of the national group of the UNESCO's program on 'Man and the Biosphere', Paris-Moscow, 1976-92; member of Scientific Council on Biosphere, Moscow, 1976-92 and of Scientific Council on Global Problems, 1984-89; of Scientific Council of Social Problems of Science and Technology, 1980-85; consultant of European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, 1993-94. Recently, Yanitsky is the Chief Researcher, Federal Research Center for Sociology Russian Academy of Sciences (former Institute of Sociology RAN).

Author of 18 books in Russian: Oskar Niemeyer (with Vl. Hait), 1963; Urbanization and Social Contradiction of Capitalism, 1975; Urban Ecology: Interdisciplinary Concepts, 1984; Ecological Prospects of a City, 1987; Social Movements: 100 Interviews with Leaders, 1991; Environmental Movement in Russia, Critical Analysis, 1996; Family Chronicle, 1852-2002, 2002, the 1st edition, 2002; the 2nd edition 2012; Russia: An Ecological Challenge, 2002; Sociology of Risk, 2003; Ecological Culture: Essays on Relationships Between Science and Practice, 2007; Ecological Thought in the Epoch of Great Transition, 2008; Dossier of the Environmentalist: Reflection  on Intellectual Biography, 2009; Russian Eco-modernization: Theory, Practice, Prospects, 2011; Nature Protection Networks and their Social Capital, 2012; Ecological Disasters: a Structural-Functional Analysis, 2013; Social Movements; Theory, Practice, Prospects, 2013; Ecological Archive of Oleg Yanitsky, 2014; Reasons and Outcomes of a Modern War: A Sociological View, 2015; Interdisciplinary Researches: Methods, Theory and Practice, 2016. Editor: Russia: Risks and Threats of a Transition Society, 1998.

Author of 5 books in English: (1) 'Cities of Europe: The Public's Role in Shaping the Urban Environment' (coeditor with T. Deelstra and author of two chapters), 1991; (2) 'Russian Environmentalism: Leading figures, Facts, Opinions,' 1993; (3) 'Russian Greens in a Risk Society. The Structural Analysis,' 2000; (4) 'Russian Environmentalism. The Yanitsky Reader I, 2012'; and (5) 'On Globalization and its Environmental consequences. The Yanitsky Reader II, 2016.'

Contributor to some international monographs like: 'Environment and Democratic Transition. Policy and Politics in Central and Easter Europe' (Vary & Tamas, eds., 1993); 'Environmental Movements around the World' (2014, Dole & McGregor, eds.), and to many others.

From 1982 onwards, Y. regularly publishes articles in international journals, namely in: International Journal of Social Science Research, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Innovation, International Sociology, International Sociology Review of Books, Current Sociology, International Review of Sociology, The Sociological Review, International Review of Social Research, Environmental Politics as well as in the internet-journals like the OJSSR, the JSSR and in some others. Some of his articles had been translated into other European languages as well in Chinese. 

From 1978 onwards, Y. regularly contributed to all Russian leading sociological and political journals, namely: Sotsiologicheskiye Issledovaniya (in particular, two articles in this year), Political Studies (one article this year), Sotsiologicheskiy Journal (one article this year), Vlast (i.e. The Power). About 10 of my articles in these journals have been translated into English, for example in the journal 'Sociological Research. A Journal of Translations from Russian', and in 'Social Sciences. A Quarterly Journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences', etc. Y. regularly publishes notes and comments in his personal blog at the Official Site of the Institute of Sociology.

About 10 articles (or Prefaces to books) about my grandfather, father, and aunt in Russian journals.

Grantee: UNESCO, Paris, 1989; Swiss National Scientific Fund, 1996; J.D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Found, 2001; Russian Humanitarian Found and Russian Found for Basic Research, numerous others. Head of the research group on environmental movements of the project 'New Social Movements in Russia' headed by prof. Alain Touraine (grant of the EHESS, 1991-94). Organizer of the international expert meeting 'Ecological Approaches to Urban Planning' held in Souzdal, Russia in 1984 (grant UNESCO-UNEP).

Co-founder (with M. Castells, R. Pahl, J. Musil, Ed. Preteseille, O. Shkaratan, and others) of the ISA RC on Urban and Regional Planning (1970) and the ISA RC on Environment and Society (1994), one of organizers of the ESA RN on Social Movements. Member of the Russian Sociological Society and ex-member of the Union of Soviet Architects. Rewards: the 'Badge of Honor', 4 medals, UNESCO memory medal and the medal in the honor of Pitirim Sorokin, 2006. The Diploma for Professor O.N. Yanitsky as one among the list of the '2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21th Century, 9th edition' by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. E-mail: For reference: The current professional profile of Oleg Yanitsky is as following:,