Mohamad Ibrahim, New Zealand

Russian winter is something I was severely lacking

I saw Kazan Federal University as an opportunity to try something new, even if I wasn’t particularly familiar with the institution or even the city itself. But since arriving here with no knowledge of what was to come, I can honestly say I’ve had an amazing experience that I believe will only continue to delight me in the future.

My first days, devoid of any Russian language or knowledge, were made infinitely easier in major part to the fantastic students I was introduced to. The transition from life in a common family home to an immense student hostel, such is the Universiade Village, required some adjustment. However, my peers were there to welcome me and rapidly helped me to embrace student life.

The education I have been provided with in my short time here has been very promising, and I look forward to the future when my studies will continue to accelerate in difficulty and interest!

My preparatory class at KFU allowed me to swiftly develop my Russian language skills, all over four short months – something I considered unimaginable upon arrival, despite my newfound friends trying their best to convince me otherwise. The education system in place ensures continued success/successful students due to the vast experience of the teaching staff who will always put in the extra effort for their students.

The city itself is a welcome distraction from the usual study routine; there’s always an activity yet to be tried out or a timely holiday celebration, which is collectively reveled in by students in the hostel. Despite the large population, the city’s consistent public transport system allows for easy maneuverability and quick familiarisation. My adoration for winter weather was heightened after being engulfed in a white wonderland for several months, something that my previous life was severely lacking!

The university has a storied history, which boasts some outstanding alumni and has been instrumental in education and research for over two centuries now. To be studying at Kazan Federal University and to become a part of this history strongly motivates me to contribute as much as possible in my time here.


Wang Bo, China

I chose Kazan because Lenin and Tolstoy had studied there

I chose Kazan Federal University (KFU) for several reasons. First of all, Leo Tolstoy and Vladimir Lenin studied there. They are well-known in China, and there is a special attitude towards them in my country.

Secondly, from the official KFU website I discovered that this is one of the best universities in Russia, and the students live in the former village of the World Student Games. The teachers at KFU are very responsible. My fellow students are very friendly and always help me if I do not understand something. In my University there are a lot of different events and activities organised for the students to participate in during their free time, such as conferences, concerts, etc.

I like living in Kazan, which is commonly referred to as 'the third capital'. This city has a millennium of history and tradition. It is a beautiful location with a good climate, and there are many places of interest and great scenery. This is something that I like.

The city is developing very fast. In 2013, the city hosted the World Student Games, and in 2015 there was the World Aquatics Championship. There are many supermarkets and shopping centres here.

The people in Kazan are friendly and optimistic. In the street the drivers politely let pedestrians pass, and in the public transport passengers give their seats to the elderly. If you get lost, local people will always tell you the way and offer to help if you are carrying something heavy.

I often go to museums and theatres. This gives me with unforgettable impressions.

In Kazan I got acquainted with the locals, and we became friends; they expressed great interest in Chinese culture, and every time we meet we find something to talk about.

One more nice thing about the place is delicious food and very good tea, which is crucial for any Chinese.


Alsaeedi Ahmed Hadi, Iraq

Kazan is a beautiful city in which different religions coexist peacefully Do you know what is the Kazan Federal University? It is one of the leading universities in Russia, it has high positions in QS and THE rankings. Its scientific laboratories enable students to develop their skills for a better future. There is dormitory called Village of Universiade that is the coolest students accommodation. It is the place for cultural exchange of all students. Kazan is a beautiful city characterized by the existence of all religions in peaceful coexistence. I am really lucky because I am student of Kazan Federal University, which is the most valuable experience which I can never forget.


Tashika Palipana, Sri Lanka

I came to Russia to fulfil my dream

My name is Tashika Palipana. I was born in Colombo, which is the capital of Sri Lanka. When I finished school, I wanted to study genetics. So I decided to come to Russia to fulfill my dream. Actually, when I was looking for universities I thought that Russia was the best chance for me because when I looked for scientific publications I always found Russian scientists doing it. So I applied for a government scholarship and I got it.

I had one year to study Russian at first. I can’t say that it was easy, but I think I got along with it. Now I’m doing well, I hope. I feel that in Kazan I have this potential; I have all the opportunities, not only in science, but cultural, social events, in everything.


Brajdzhe Morsi Naim, Palestine

I received great experience in communication with like-minded people

Kazan Federal University opened boundless horizons for me: firstly, of course, it is the bundle of knowledge that I have gained and opportunities in their application, experience in communication with like-minded people. Secondly, it is acquaintances with new people and numerous best friends from all over the world, we always keep in touch. Finally, I am very proud to have spent an unforgettable years at KFU, these are the best years of my life. I believe that my university is one of the best universities in the world.

Olga Baklanova , Kyrgyzstan

I have learned two foreign languages and made a lot of friends

Five years ago I have made an important decision – to go to a Russian university. I have chosen Kazan Federal University. Since I grew up in a different country, my opinion was made up of articles and photos that I found on the Internet. I remember that the university impressed me with its history, achievements and diversity of programmes and opportunities to realize my potential. At that time KFU seemed to be so inaccessible to me. However, my dream came true, and I entered the specialty "International Relations". At first it was very hard: living in the different country, far from my family, different levels of education. I am grateful to the University for those unique professors who by their knowledge triggered a desire to know more. They inspired me to overcome all difficulties and move towards the goal. During my study in KFU I have greatly broadened my horizons, learned two foreign languages, gained intercultural communication experience and made a lot of friends.

KFU is not only university for me, but it is also a part of my history, a part of my personal evolution.


Lino Peres Alvares

First of all, I remember that in the distant 1978, we, students who came from Cuba, were a sensation for our classmates, and for the university as a whole. We managed not only to study well and scrupulously, but also actively participated in student life: unique Russians “stroyotryady”, art festivals.

Now I understand that the base of my whole exciting life is laid by studying at Kazan University, here I met my love, my daughter also graduated from our Alma Mater and currently lives in Kazan.

After graduating from KSU, I returned to my home, to Cuba. I chose that I liked - the career of a soldier. I also worked as a deputy of the People's Assembly of Cuba and for three terms served as the head of the administration of the municipality of Baut. Now I teach philosophy at the Medical University in Havana.

I understand that if I hadn’t studied in KSU, my life would have been absolutely different. I am grateful to the University for such an impact on my life and with great warmth I remember the years of study, my teachers and classmates.

I try not to miss the meetings of the Cuban graduates of Kazan University and I always meet with pleasure with my old friends who come from Kazan.

Hello from Cuba!