A.R. Gilmullin

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: Gilmullin_ainur@mail.ru

Received November 10, 2016

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This paper springs from the growing importance of the legal doctrine in the Russian legal practice, which has become an essential link between individual constitutive components of the legal framework in the society. The legal doctrine allows to set out appropriate priorities for the regulated law-making practice and enforcement at all levels of the governmental structure of the state. It is obvious, however, that the effectiveness of the legal doctrine as a result of both social compromise and intellectual activity is directly dependent on the algorithms of proper and fair conduct of person, social group, society, and state, as defined by the legal doctrine. Being relatively free of formalities and as a result of intellectual activity and scientific work to some extent, it provides a focus for administration of law and rights enforcement in general. Furthermore, it should convey more than just a general idea or an initiative as an objective result, rather a balanced conception or, ultimately, a draft law. The legal doctrine facilitates comprehension of the law and makes it easily understandable not only for government employees, but also for ordinary citizens. It has been emphasized that the category of state mechanism is not merely a simple notion or a commonplace term in the theory of state and law, being rather a key component, one of the pillars of the state system. Interconnection of its structural elements with the legal doctrine plays an important role for it to exist.

Keywords: Russian Federation, legal doctrine, mechanism of state, administration of law and law enforcement, structural elements


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For citation: Gilmullin A.R. Legal doctrine in the mechanism of the Russian state: Scientific and theoretical analysis. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2017, vol. 159, no. 2, pp. 324–332. (In Russian)

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