Articles-2018 in Q1 journals:

1.    Androsch, R. Relaxation and crystal nucleation in polymer glasses [Text] / R. Androsch, E. Zhuravlev, J.W.P. Schmelzer, C. Schick // European Polymer Journal. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.102. ‒ P.195-208.
2.    Mukhametzyanov, T.A. Fast scanning calorimetry of lysozyme unfolding at scanning rates from 5 K/min to 500,000 K/min [Text] / T.A. Mukhametzyanov, I.A. Sedov, B.N. Solomonov, C. Schick // Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – General Subjects. – 2018. – V.1862. – P.2024-2030.
3.    Schmelzer, J.W.P. Kauzmann paradox and the crystallization of glass-forming melts / J.W.P. Schmelzer, A.S. Abyzov, V.M. Fokin, C. Schick // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.501. ‒ P.21-35.
4.    Sedov, I. Influence of the Cross-Link Density on the Rate of Crystallization of Poly(ε-Caprolactone) [Text] / I. Sedov, T. Magsumov, A. Abdullin, E. Yarko, T. Mukhametzyanov, A. Klimovitsky, C. Schick // Polymers. – 2018. – V.10. – P.902.
5.    Yagofarov, M.I. New aspects of relationships between the enthalpies of fusion of aromatic compounds at the melting temperature and the enthalpies of solution in benzene at 298.15 K. Part II [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, M.A. Ziganshin, B.N. Solomonov // J. Chem. Thermodyn. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.120. – P. 21-26.
6.    Yagofarov, M.I. New aspects of relationships between the enthalpies of fusion of aromatic compounds at the melting temperature and the enthalpies of solution in benzene at 298.15 K. Part I [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, M.A. Ziganshin, B.N. Solomonov // J. Chem. Thermodyn. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.116. – P.152-158.
7.    Yin, H. First Clear-Cut Experimental Evidence of a Glass Transition in a Polymer with Intrinsic Microporosity: PIM-1 [Text] / H. Yin, Y.Z. Chua, B. Yang, C. Schick, W.J. Harrison, P.M. Budd, M. Böhning, A. Schönhals // Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.9. ‒ P.2003-2008.
8.    Yagofarov, M.I. New aspects in thermochemistry of solid-liquid phase transitions of organic non-electrolytes [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // J. Mol. Liq. ‒ 2018. ‒ V.256. – P.58-66.
9.    Möhle, T. Tuned Range-Separated Density Functional Theory and Dyson Orbital Formalism for Photoelectron Spectra [Text] / T. Möhle, O.S. Bokareva, G. Grell, O. Kühn, S.I. Bokarev // J. Chem. Theory Comput. – 2018. – V.14. – P.5870-5880.


Articles 2017:

  1. Ziganshin, M.A. Non-zeolitic properties of the dipeptide L-leucyl-L-leucine as a result of the specific nanostructures formation [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.S. Safiullina, S.A. Ziganshina, A.V. Gerasimov, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.19. –P.13788–13797. ISSN 1463-9076
  2. Gataullina, K.V. Smart polymorphism of thiacalix[4]arene with long-chain amide containing substituents / K.V. Gataullina, M.A. Ziganshin, I.I. Stoikov, A.E. Klimovitskii, A.T. Gubaidullin, K. Suwińska, V.V. Gorbatchuk [Text] // Cryst. Growth Des. – 2017. – V/17. – P.3512-3527. ISSN: 1528-7483.
  3. Yagofarov, M.I. Relationships between fusion, solution, vaporization and sublimation enthalpies of substituted phenols [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // J. Chem. Thermodyn. – 2017. – V.105. – P.50-57. ISSN: 0021-9614.
  4. Yagofarov, M.I. Thermochemistry of phase transitions of aromatic amines: Estimation of the sublimation enthalpy at 298.15 K through the fusion enthalpy [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // J. Chem. Thermodyn. – 2017. – V.113. – P.301-207.
  5. Galukhin, A.V. Pyrolysis of Kerogen of Bazhenov Shale: Kinetics and Influence of Inherent Pyrite [Text] / A. Galukhin, A. Gerasimov, I. Nikolaev, R. Nosov, Y. Osin // Energy Fuels. – 2017. – V.31. – P.6777-6781.
  6. Galukhin, A.V. Catalytic combustion of heavy oil in presence of manganese-based sub-micro particles in a quartz porous medium [Text] / A.V. Galukhin, M.A. Khelkhal, A.V. Eskin, Y.N. Osin // Energy Fuels. – 2017. – 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b01856.
  7. Németh C. Effect of side groups on the properties of cationic polyaspartamides [Text] / C. Németh, D. Szabó, B. Gyarmati, A. Gerasimov, M. Varfolomeev, T. Abdullin, K. László, A. Szilágyi // European Polymer Journal. – 2017. – V.93. – P.805-814.
  8. Jariyavidyanont, K. Crystal reorganization of poly (butylene terephthalate). / Katalee Jariyavidyanont, Rene Androsch, Christoph Schick // Polymer. — V. 124. —  P. 274-283.
  9. Abdelaziz, A. Melting temperature and heat of fusion of cytosine revealed from fast scanning calorimetry. / A.Abdelaziz, D.H.Zaitsau, T.Mukhametzyanov, B.Solomonov, P.Cebe, S.P.Verevkin, C.Schick // Thermochimica Acta, Accepted Manus­cript, URL:
  10. Androsch, R. Effect of molar mass on enthalpy relaxation and crystal nucleation of poly (l-lactic acid). / R. Androsch, M.L. Di Lorenzo, C. Schick // European Polymer Journal,  Accepted Manus­cript, URL:
  11. Schick, C. Homogeneous crystal nucleation in polymers. / Christoph Schick, R. Androsch and Juern W P Schmelzer // Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Accepted Manus­cript, URL:
  12. Usmanova, L.S. A study of the formation of magnetically active solid dispersions of phenacetin using atomic and magnetic force microscopy [Text] / L.S. Usmanova, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk, S.A. Ziganshina, D.A. Bizyaev, A.A. Bukharaev, T.A. Mukhametzyanov, A.V. Gerasimov // J. Adv. Pharm. Technol. Res. – 2017. – V.8. – P.2-7. ISSN:0110-5558
  13. Ziganshin, M.A. Thermally Induced Self-Assembly and Cyclization of L-Leucyl-L-Leucine in Solid State [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.S. Safiullina, A. V. Gerasimov, S.A. Ziganshina, A.E. Klimovitskii, K.R. Khayarov, V.V. Gorbatchuk // J. Phys. Chem. B. – 2017. – V.121, №36. – P.8603-8610.
  14. Sedov, I.A. Molecular dynamics study of unfolding of lysozyme in water and its mixtures with dimethyl sulfoxide [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov // Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. – 2017. – V.76. – P.466-474.

Abstracts of conferences and seminars:

  1. Ziganshin, M.A. Non-zeolitic properties of the dipeptide L-leucyl-L-leucine as a result of the specific nanostructures formation [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.S. Safiullina, S.A. Ziganshina, A.V. Gerasimov, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017). – Novosibirsk, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.328. 
  2. Gerasimov, A.V. Thermodynamic of dissolution of solid dispersions of hydrophobic drugs [Text] / A.V. Gerasimov, L.S. Usmanova, A.E. Boldyrev // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017). – Novosibirsk, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.338. 
  3. Gerasimov, A.V. Thermodynamic aspects of the formation of solid dispersions based on polymers and proteins with the ability to inhalation administration [Text] / A.V. Gerasimov, L.S. Usmanova, A.E. Boldyrev // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017). – Novosibirsk, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.339. 
  4. Safiullina, A.S. The self-organization of leucyl-leucine and cyclo(leucyl-leucine) dipeptides by the AFM method [Text] / A.S. Safiullina, M.A. Ziganshin, S.A. Ziganshina, A.A. Bukharaev // Abstracts of the International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM-2017). – Ekaterinburg, Ural Federal University, Russia, August 28-30, 2017. – P.109.
  5. Герасимов, А.В. Композиционные микрочастицы твердых дисперсий лекарственных препаратов с возможностью ингаляционной доставки [Текст] / А.В. Герасимов, Л.С. Усманова, А.Е. Болдырев, М.А. Зиганшин // Тезисы докладов ХХ Молодежной школы-конференции по органической химии – Казань, 18-21 сентября 2017. – С.119.
  6. Gorbatchuk, V.V. Smart Calixarene Crystals [Electronic Resource] / V.V. Gorbatchuk, M.A. Ziganshin, K.V. Gataullina, A.K. Gatiatulin // Abstracts of the 23rd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS XXIII). – Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2-7 April, 2017. – P.64. -
  7. Gorbatchuk, V.V. Smart Recognition by Macrocyclic Hosts [Text] / V.V. Gorbatchuk, M.A. Ziganshin, K.V. Gataullina, A.K. Gatiatulin // Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (9th ISNSC). – Napoli, Italy, 4-7 September, 2017.  – P.31.
  8. Gatiatulin, A.K. Supramolecular Interactions of Solid Cyclodextrins with Guest Vapors [Text] / A.K. Gatiatulin, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (ISNSC-9). – Napoli, Italy, September 4-7, 2017. – P.68.
  9. Gabdulkhaev, M.N. Controlled selectivity of guest inclusion by calixarene derivatives [Text] / M.N. Gabdulkhaev, V.V. Gorbatchuk, M.A. Ziganshin, A.K. Gatiatulin  // Abstracts of the 9th International Symposium on Nano & Supramolecular Chemistry (ISNSC-9). – Napoli, Italy, September 4-7, 2017. – P.109.
  10. Седов, И.А. Антагонистическое влияние ионных пар и водородных связей на сольватационные свойства протонных ионных жидкостей [Текст] / И.А. Седов, Т.И. Магсумов, Т.М. Саликов // Сборник научных трудов всероссийской школы-конференции с международным участием БШКХ-2017. – С.250.
  11. Sedov, I.A. Activity coefficients of hydrocarbons in protic ionic liquids: combined effect of h-bonds and ion-pairs [Text]/ I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, T.M. Salikov, B.N. Solomonov // European Conference on Thermophysical Properties September 3 - 8, 2017 Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria. Book of Abstracts. – P.125.
  12. Nagrimanov, R.N. Method for determination enthalpy of phase transitions of organic compounds based on solution calorimetry [Text] / R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017). – Novosibirsk, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.104.
  13. Yagofarov, M.I. New relationships between fusion, solution and sublimation enthalpies of self-associated aromatic compounds [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // Abstracts of the XXI International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics in Russia (RCCT-2017). – Novosibirsk, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.230.
  14. Nagrimanov, R.N. Non-additivity in the thermochemical properties of phase transitions of heteroaromatic compounds [Text] / R.N. Nagrimanov, A.A. Samatov, B.N. Solomonov, S.P. Verevkin // Abstracts of the 4th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC). – Chisinau, Moldova, August 28-31, 2017. – P.78.
  15. Yagofarov, M.I. Enthalpies of fusion and solvation as a source of information about sublimation enthalpies of aromatic compounds at 298.15 K [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, B.N. Solomonov // Abstracts of the 4th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC). – Chisinau, Moldova, August 28-31, 2017. – P.77.
  16. Yagofarov, M.I. Phase transitions thermochemistry of aromatic amines: estimation of sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K through fusion enthalpies at the melting temperature [Text] / M.I. Yagofarov, R.N. Nagrimanov, I.F. Dinikaev, B.N. Solomonov // Abstracts of the 4th Central and Eastern European Committee for Thermal Analysis & Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC). – Chisinau, Moldova, August 28-31, 2017. – P.446.
  17. Mukhametzyanov, T.A. Calorimetric study of lysozyme denaturation in glycerol at a wide range of heating rates [Text] / T.A. Mukhametzyanov, I.A. Sedov, B.N. Solomonov, C. Schick // Abstract of the 4th Central and Eastern Europe Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC4). – Chişinău, Moldova, August 28-31, 2017 – P.441.
  18. Gorbatchuk, V.V. Smart inclusion hosts and supramolecular recognition [Text] / V.V.Gorbatchuk, M.A.Ziganshin, K.V.Gataullina, A.K. Gatiatulin, M.N.Gabdulkhaev // Abstracts of the 16th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds and 3rd Youth School on Supramolecular and Coordination Chemistry. – Kazan, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.34
  19. Gatiatulin, A. K. Formation gibbs energies of beta-cyclodextrin hydrate and solid binary inclusion compounds with organic compounds [Text] / A. K.Gatiatulin, M.A.Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Abstracts of the 16th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds and 3rd Youth School on Supramolecular and Coordination Chemistry. – Kazan, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.72. 
  20. Gabdulkhaev, M.N. Controlled selectivity of clathrate formation with calixarene derivatives [Text] / M.N. Gabdulkhaev, V.V. Gorbatchuk, M.A. Ziganshin, A.K. Gatiatulin  // Abstracts of the 16th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds and 3rd Youth School on Supramolecular and Coordination Chemistry. – Kazan, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.70.
  21. Gataullina K.V. Smart inclusion properties of thiacalix[4]arene with long-chain amide containing substituens [Text] / K.V. Gataullina, M.A. Ziganshin, I.I. Stoikov, A.E. Klimovitskii, A.T. Gubaidullin, K. Suwiǹska, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Abstracts of the 16th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds and 3rd Youth School on Supramolecular and Coordination Chemistry. – Kazan, Russia, June 26-30, 2017. – P.71.