V.R. Amineva
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: amineva1000@list.ru
Received October 6, 2016
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The paper discusses the peculiarities of functioning of hikaya as an art form in A. Eniki's prose during the 1940s–1960s. The relevance of the research is determined by the uncertainty of the concepts used for designation of works of average and small forms of epics in the Tatar literature of the 20th century. The analysis has been performed in order to identify the genre characteristics of hikaya as the non-canonical genre of Tatar Literature, which is not identical to the non-canonical small epic genres (e.g., stories) in Russian and European literature. Furthermore, it has been established that hikaya is not identical to novella on the one hand and narrative on the other hand. Systemic structural analysis, synchronic and diachronic approaches to investigation of the material have been used to achieve the above-stated goal.
On the basis of the study the following conclusions have been made: the specifics of hikaya genre in A. Eniki's works define the correlation of epic and lyrical categories in the structure of the work. Depending on this correlation, the following typological varieties of the genre have been singled out: lyrical hikaya (neser), lyro-epic hikaya, and epic hikaya. Most of A. Eniki's hikayas considered in this paper are lyro-epic works dominated by the equivalence of epic and lyrical structures. The narration is, as a rule, focused on one character and one event of their personal life which causes fundamental changes in their thinking, attitude, and world perception. The distinctive feature of poetics is a particular type of subjective architectonics (the story is narrated on behalf of the character, who is similar to a lyrical subject, or such a method of creating the sphere of the character is used as substituted direct speech, in which the proximity of the character to the author is emphasized).
In the epic hikayas, a strong dramatic trend is manifested, but the dramatic elements are subordinated to the author's setting for the objectification of what is represented and contributed to the actual epic features of the genre. The internal measure of the hikaya genre is the interaction between descriptive and narrative components in a diverse variation of their proportions. The ratio between narrative and descriptive components in A. Eniki's prose has been established. The obtained results are important for the historical poetics of the hikaya genre in Tatar literature, for understanding the genre distinction in A. Eniki's works of the 1940s-1960s and in Tatar literature of this period on the whole.
Keywords: A. Eniki, Tatar literature of 20th century, genre, hikaya, story, tale, short story, lyrics, epos, drama, narration, description
Acknowledgments. This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (project no. 17-14-16004 a(r)).
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For citation: Amineva V.R. Hikaya as a Literary Genre (Based on A. Eniki's Literary Works of the 1940s–1960s). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2017, vol. 159, no. 1, pp. 7–25. (In Russian)
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